Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Pain Management in Japan

I’m talking with Bobby, a fellow American who suffers from chronic pain
which seems to be the side effect of a vaccine.That same vaccine was
once MANDATORY for all new immigrants into the U.S but has since
been removed. If you experience side effects from a vaccine
administered in the U.S., you can file a legal claim with the VICP,
and they will pay all of your legal fees whether you win or lose the case.  
Common side effects of the vaccine he took include injection
site reactions (pain, swelling,redness, bruising, or itching),
fever, headache, dizziness, tiredness, nausea,vomiting, diarrhea,
sleep problems (insomnia), runny or stuffy nose, sore throat,cough,
tooth pain, or joint or muscle pain.  He has been diagnosed with
arthritis throughout his entire body and he is not even 35 years old.  
We are both currently living in Japan and discussing pain management.  
He takes Percocet in the U.S and has brought a supply to Japan with him.
 (He doesn’t live in Japan, only a few months at a time, so he can bring
enough to take before he goes back to get refills for a few months.)  
Have you tried Kratom or CBDs for your pain?  It seems like it
might be a good fit for you.
I tried it in the U.S
I couldn’t tell if it did much
But it’s in the opiate family
So I didn’t want to take it and my Percocet, and when I tried to take
it instead of my Percocet it wasn’t enough
You’ve also got to take tons of it as powder to get it to be effective
My friend tried it too as a stimulant
She was throwing up it was terrible - she started throwing up and she
tried to keep taking it but finally as she threw up repetitively she had to stop
I think I talked to my pain doc about it and they said it’s basically just a different opiate
I prefer to have my opiate use managed by a health professional
I also tried cbd and thc but by myself I couldn’t get it to touch my pain, but I did
find a doc who can oversee it, so now that my legal case has concluded when I
get back to the US I will be looking into it more.

I agree that when I have certain types of physical pain, THC doesn’t do much except
deal with the symptoms in your head that you have outside of the actual acute pain
 (such as anxiety/depression/mood elevation), but I think when you have intense
physical pain you really know when you need something stronger.

I’m mostly worried about my doctor and my future ability to get opiates here
If I lose that chance it’ll dramatically shorten the time I can stay in japan since
my doctor in the us can’t give me too long of a supply because of the war on
opiates in the U.S.  I’m fucked from both sides but unfortunately not in a
pleasant way lol
I tried Mdma for my arthritis
It helped but then when the effect wore off my body crashed - it helped not
just as a wonderful high, but because it knocks down your immune system
for a while.  I could take it but I’ll feel terrible for two days after, and then I’ll
feel a little better for a little while, and then worse...
I didn't like Percocet actually, or I probably would have asked you for one, he he,
but that would be kind of cruel since you need them and I don’t, but i’m sure I
would have asked anyway being who I am and that drugs in Japan are so hard
to come by.
Why don’t u like Percocet? When and how long did u take it? In the US I don’t know
that kratom would be very useful for me because it would be like I had to pay for my
opiate prescription out of pocket, Kratom isn’t a metaphorical opiate it’s an actual opiate.
I tried percs for recreational use only, Also oxy made me hug a toilet after getting really
short of breath and dizzy..  I take one pill like someone takes MDMA or ecstasy.
I’m not prone to addiction because I’m not attracted to super addictive substances
and when I do them, I seem to be able to stop myself when I start feeling shitty instead
of seek out more.  I do like Valium, though.
Yes it did the same for me for almost a year
I had to take an anti nausea medicine
But now I think my tolerance is high enough or something that it’s basically like
taking Tylenol for me or something
The mental effect is super subtle but the effect on my pain is very significant
Do u know what I think is the most interesting part of opiates? It makes it hard for me to cum
mdma too, its impossible for me to cum, feels great but no possible orgasm
you know its great that your friend is distilling the kratom, because it's super hard to take as a powder
i talked to my pain doctor yesterday so she could help me understand the differences
between percocet and oxycotin, because its oxycotin that i was able to get in japan - i might
be able to get normal oxycodone but they may have to order it or something special - complicated -
they work very differently because oxycotin is extended release - so i'm very worried that I
won't be able to get to the right dose, but we will see how it goes.
Japan has social insurance for residents and legal visa holders, but you are a tourist, so
it must cost you a fortune.
it was $250 for two weeks, it was expensive.  i had a prescription for a whole month but reduced
it to two weeks to make it more affordable, not a great situation for me, I may be in a lot of pain,
but I shouldn't experience withdrawal so that’s good
Does the fear of withdrawal plague you? It feels like a cold right?
i think the withdrawal would be very severe, sometimes when i don't take my medicine for a
while, my entire legs, both of them, begin to ache, like a restless leg syndrome kind of thing
i guess that would be a first sign - but i don't know much about the withdrawal, i don't really
think about it since i don't feel like I should be facing it anytime too soon
i think if i want to stop taking it ill do a gradual ween off and try to avoid any real
withdrawal symptoms
the biggest problem i believe would be dealing with the pain from my arthritis -
i'm not worried about withdrawal, im worried about living with my pain with no relief at all..
it never goes away, but at least i can somewhat function when I take enough medicine
if i keep taking the pills - i still feel some pain, but even with flares all over i can walk around and
still live a pretty good life.